The Science & Entertainment Exchange (The Exchange) is a communications engagement program of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC. The Exchange maintains a local office in Los Angeles. The Exchange is managed by Ann Merchant, Deputy Executive Director for Communications at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

CONSULTATION INQUIRIES: You may reach The Exchange by phone at 1-844-NEED-SCI or email Rick or Sachi with your request. Our office hours are 10AM–6PM Pacific.

Los Angeles Office

Rick Loverd, Program Director
The Science & Entertainment Exchange, National Academy of Sciences
844-NEED-SCI (844-633-3724)

Sachi Gerbin, Program Officer
The Science & Entertainment Exchange, National Academy of Sciences
844-NEED-SCI (844-633-3724)

Washington, DC Office

Ann Merchant, Deputy Executive Director
Office of the Chief Communications Officer, Creative Engagement Programs, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
844-NEED-SCI (844-633-3724)